
Intensive therapy for panic

Panic attacks can be terrifying. They can strike without warning, leaving you feeling helpless and out of control. Intensive therapy for panic attacks teaches you skills to manage and diminish attacks in an accelerated format so you can feel better faster. In this...

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Sleep Tips for Managing Anxiety

For many people anxiety and sleep operate in a cycle. Anxiety keeps us up late, scrolling on social media, tossing and turning, or listening to podcasts to drown out worry thoughts. We sleep poorly or not enough, leading to more anxiety and low mood. We cope by...

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How to Make Therapy Skills for Anxiety a Habit

In this post I’m going to share how you can work on making a consistent time for your therapy skills for anxiety.  Therapy works best when it becomes a part of your daily life. Despite what many people think, the work of therapy doesn’t happen in session. It happens...

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ERP is Not Working? 6 Barriers Keeping You Stuck

Today’s blog is by Sam Kramer, PhD, a clinician at Anxiety Specialists of St. Louis who specializes in working with adults and older teens who struggle with anxiety, OCD, and related disorders.   Are you feeling confused and discouraged because your ERP is not...

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Medication for OCD Treatment – our FAQs

As therapists here at Anxiety Specialists of St. Louis, we provide behavioral treatments for OCD. However, many people also have questions about medication and other interventions for OCD. In this post I'll provide some general information about medication for OCD, as...

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