
Covering a range of topics from anxiety and OCD in children, teens, and adults.

Intensive therapy for panic

Panic attacks can be terrifying. They can strike without warning, leaving you feeling helpless and out of control. Intensive therapy for panic attacks teaches you skills to manage and diminish attacks in an accelerated format so you can feel better faster. In this...

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Find a CBT Therapist in St. Louis

Finding the right therapist for you is one of the most important parts of the therapeutic process. In St. Louis we’re lucky to have many skilled Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) therapists. Choosing the one that’s the best match for your particular needs and...

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Sleep Tips for Managing Anxiety

For many people anxiety and sleep operate in a cycle. Anxiety keeps us up late, scrolling on social media, tossing and turning, or listening to podcasts to drown out worry thoughts. We sleep poorly or not enough, leading to more anxiety and low mood. We cope by...

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The Power of Gratitude for Anxiety Relief

Have you ever experienced that burst of joy when someone unexpectedly hands you a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop? Or that warm feeling when you find a forgotten ten-dollar bill in your jacket pocket? Gratitude has a way of turning ordinary moments into...

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