by Sarah | Jul 3, 2023 | Uncategorized
Interested in how to worry less? In this post, I’m going to share one of my favorite strategies for decreasing anxiety: setting a time to worry. It may sound counterintuitive at first, but read all the way through before deciding if you’re willing to give it a chance....
by Sarah | Jun 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
While many people may be familiar with virtual reality in a gaming environment, we are putting virtual reality to work for phobia treatment! We are excited to share that we have a virtual reality headset and have been using it in our work with phobias. We’re committed...
by Sarah | Jun 2, 2023 | Anxiety, Worry
This post outlines symptoms of the most common anxiety disorders. You may be feeling anxious but not know why. You may be feeling anxious but are not sure if it’s the anxiety that everyone deals with or if it’s something more significant. Below I’ve summarized the...
by Sarah | May 3, 2023 | Anxiety
One of our core values at Anxiety Specialists of St. Louis is to provide evidence based practice. What is evidence based care and why does it matter? Evidence based practice involves three pieces: (Sackett, 2000) Research and data Your own values and preferences as a...
by Sarah | Dec 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Managing an OCD relapse is part of long term recovery. A relapse means a significant increase in intrusive thoughts and compulsions following a period of relatively mild symptoms. If you’ve been through this cycle of symptoms, you know it can be frustrating and even...