by Sarah | May 9, 2022 | Anxiety Specialists Blog
If you read my previous blog, 5 Signs Your Child May Be Anxious, you might be wondering what to do if you are noticing those signs. Here are 6 ways that you can help your anxious child. Talk to your child. Yes, this seems simple and obvious, but if you can catch your...
by Sarah | May 3, 2022 | Anxiety Specialists Blog
Today’s blog is by Amy Kurz, MSW, LCSW, a clinician at Anxiety Specialists of St. Louis who specializes in working with kids and teens who struggle with anxiety, OCD, and related disorders. Learning to recognize signs your child may be anxious can help...
by Sarah | Apr 25, 2022 | Anxiety Specialists Blog
It can be hard to control your worrying once you get started. You may feel like there’s no switch to turn it off. Feeling helpless and unsure what to do only makes things worse. This post is all about helping you understand what’s happening when you start...
by Sarah | Apr 18, 2022 | Anxiety Specialists Blog
What is health anxiety? Although it’s normal to worry from time to time, when worry about your health is difficult to stop, despite reassurance from your doctor that your tests are normal, you may be dealing with health anxiety. In this post I’ll explain...
by Sarah | Mar 14, 2022 | Anxiety Specialists Blog
I am very excited to announce the opening of our anxiety clinic in St. Louis on April 4th, 2022! In this post you’ll learn more about us, how we can help, and what to expect in an initial consultation and therapy session. New Anxiety Clinic in St. Louis Our goal is be...