
Comprehensive Assessment

Expert Psychological Testing Tailored to You

Discover how our custom testing services can provide clarity and direction for your child’s mental health & academic journey

in person in St. Louis, MO

Your Child is Struggling & You Don't Know Why

When you don’t know how to help, you…

  • Feel overwhelmed and confused by your child’s emotional outbursts and challenging behavior
  • Struggle to understand the root cause of your child’s difficulties at school, at home, and in social situations
  • Experience frustration and helplessness due to not knowing how to best support your child
  • Feel isolated and worried about your child’s future and academic success
  • Don’t have clear answers or a roadmap for addressing struggles successfully

You deserve peace of mind and clarity when it comes to understanding your child’s struggles. 

Psychological testing provides insight into your child’s cognitive abilities, personality traits, and emotional well-being.  By completing our assessments, you can gain a deeper understanding of your child, clarifying strengths and areas where they might need more support. 

We offer assessments right here in St. Louis. Our assessments can help identify underlying issues, guide treatment plans, pinpoint areas for accommodation, and support personal development.  

Services We Offer

ADHD and Autism Assessments

In-depth evaluations to diagnose and understand various neurodevelomental conditions, tailored to your unique needs.


Learning Disability Evaluations

Comprehensive testing to provide clarity around areas of difficulty for your child in academic settings.

Intellectual Disability Testing

Intellectual assessments to identify and address a range of cognitive functioning.


Comprehensive Diagnostic Testing

Evaluation for the full range of anxiety disorders, OCD, and mood disorders to make better decisions about treatment options.

What's Included in Your Testing Package

In depth Intake Interview

We take time to get to know your child. We’ll do a full review of symptoms, their history, and how they’re getting in the way.

Expert Testing

Your individual tests are selected and administered by a licensed psychologist. Your child might complete brain games, puzzles, and do some reading and writing.

Test Interpretation & Report Writing

Your psychologist will spend several hours on your test results, interpreting them to better understand your needs and documenting them in a detailed and comprehensive way.

Detailed Report

You will receive a detailed, comprehensive report of all test findings so you have a better understanding of your child and how their mind works.

Personalized Recommendations

You will receive guidance on additional services, treatment planning, and resources so you have a plan for the next steps.

Ready to get started?

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our testing services, designed to address your concerns and provide clarity.
I've self diagnosed. Can you confirm this?

We cannot guarantee any diagnosis. Our approach to testing is to develop a comprehensive understanding of your cognitive and emotional functioning and to make the most appropriate diagnosis based on that information.

Our process follows best practices set out by the American Psychological Association and the published criteria established by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5). These are the evidence-based and established guidelines in our field.

We do our best to examine all possible explanations for the difficulties you might be experiencing and to provide an accurate and comprehensive report of our findings. If you are deeply tied to receiving a specific diagnosis and are not open to other diagnoses or explanations, our approach will not be the right fit for you.

What's the age range for your testing? Will you work with adults?

Yes, we will work with young adults. Our age range for testing is 3 to 30 years. If you have additonal questions, please feel free to reach out.

What kind of testing do you offer?

We offer testing related to academic skills (reading, writing, comprehension, math, listening, spelling), learning style, memory, executive functioning, attention, social functioning, and emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Typical concerns we test for include ADHD, learning disorders (dyslexia, math disorder/dyscalculia, writing), oppositional behavior, mood disorders (for example, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression), and autism.

How can I prepare for testing?

Testing is conducted in person in our office in south St. Louis.

Before your child’s testing appointment you will need to complete online forms and gather and submit some information. This information may include things like academic records,  report cards, or SAT/ACT scores, releases of information from other treatment providers, or hospital records. Once the forms are complete and information submitted, you will schedule the testing day.

Before the testing day support your child in getting a good night’s rest and have a healthy breakfast in the morning. Your child should take all medications as prescribed on the testing day. You’ll have a break for lunch and you’re welcome to pack a lunch/snacks or leave the office to get lunch elsewhere. 

What does the testing process include?

While there is often variability in testing depending on your specific question(s), core elements include:

1- 2 hour diagnostic interview to get background and history

4-6 hours of face-to-face testing (for example, IQ, learning style, executive functions, memory, cognitive processing, and personality)

Several online questionnaires & behavioral checklists

Collateral interviews with teachers or therapists (if applicable)

1-2 hour feedback session to discuss results and recommendations

What can I expect on the day of testing?
Testing days are usually scheduled from 9am to 3pm with an hour long break at noon for lunch. In general you can expect the day of testing to include some brain games, puzzles, academic-type work like reading and writing, and a range of questions about symptoms that may or may not apply to you. Your clinician will make sure to walk you through what the testing day will look like and how to prepare yourself or your child.
What are the fees? Will my insurance cover the cost of testing?

The fee for testing is $2500. This includes a detailed intake interview, all test materials, test administration, test scoring and interpretation, review of records, report writing, feedback session, a comprehensive report, and personalized recommendations.

The fee is broken into three, non-refundable portions. $500 is due at the time of scheduling to hold your space, $1000 is due on the day of testing, and the $1000 balance is due on the day of the feedback session. 

We are not in network with any insurance providers. We do provide a document called a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company if you have out of network benefits. We recommend contacting your insurance company to discuss your out of network benefits and any coverage for psychological assessments.

The CPT codes we are most likely to use are 96130, 96131, 96136, 96137, and 90791.

What happens after the testing is completed?

After the testing is completed, our psychologist will review the results and schedule a feedback session with you. During this session, we will discuss the findings and provide recommendations for accommodations, other services, or treatment if necessary.

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